A few resources for newbies which I’ve found useful

I’m not exactly sure where I found my first taste of the fire movement. Perhaps I was just googling around on ways to retire early or save more money a little easier, however since then I’ve really been getting into the following blogs and resources.

Aussie Firebug


A millennial from Australia trying to escape the 9-5 day grind through financial independence

Aussie Firebug’s calculator spreadsheet is a great way to model how your FIRE journey may look like. It takes a lot of data and displays it in a really simplistic day. I would recommend giving it a go for yourself.

Fire Down Under

We are not financial guru’s, we haven’t inherited a trust fund, we are just normal people that are working in an office and no longer want to be…

Fire Down Under is a great read from a couple who have only recently just started their FIRE journey. They have a great way of simplifying and tracking their net worth calculations (which I’ve used as a bit of a bases for mine). It’s a good read and I would recommend their blog (although to be honest I’m not a fan of the TV show friends which seems to be a theme of theirs).

Flamingo FI

Money Flamingo is an Australian Financial Independence blog with a twist

A great blog which has been around for quite some time. They’ve reached their goal using their own special method. There is a lot of information on this site, and I don’t think I’ve really scratched the surface just yet.


There are a lot of resources online related to retiring earlier, however it seems that most blogs are USA based. I have yet to find a blog from someone from South Australia, so perhaps this might be the one! I’ve also been using the sub-reddit /r/fiaustralia which is a great source of information.

Stay awesome,
Fireman Dan

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