About me

This will be an anonymous blog, so everything here will be slightly obfuscated but will be as close to the real world as possible.

I’m a single male, 39 years old. Currently working full-time in a contract role earning a moderately high income.

I own one investment property, which has an interest only loan associated with it. I also have an offset account on this property. This property was my Principle Place Of Residence (PPOR) prior to purchasing my current home.

I have recently purchased a property as the home I live in, where I plan on living for the foreseeable future. It’s a modest place and the loan almost covers the equity in my investment property.

My FIRE goals are mainly just to work part time (PT) as I do enjoy what I do, however the 40hr a week humdrum is tiring me and I’d really like to either work 3days per week, or take 3 month contract ‘breaks’. Hence this blog is called ‘Part Time FIRE’