Is ethereum more than just a cryptocurrency?

I thought I’d quickly write a post as to why I hold ethereum and why I don’t really see it as a cryptocurrency. I come from a computer science background and I’ve always understood the theory behind a lot of new technology, and that’s the reason why I hold some ethereum in my satellite investment portfolio.

Ethereum is more than just a trading currency it holds so much more potential that I just had to jump on board and learn about. It all started with a post I saw regarding, I was intrigued. Digging deeper I started to look at a lot of distributed web (IPFS) and other technologies, which really opened my eyes.

I then, started doing what anyone would do… create my own MetaMask wallet and jumped straight in. I must admit the whole ‘gas fees’ thing still confuses me. Anyway, within no time at all I was able to purchase an ens.domain, set up a distributed IPFS node and publish a truly distributed website on the ethereum blockchain. Wow!

I truly believe that this in some part will be the next progression of the web. Of course there will be a LOT of people, companies and governments trying to block this, but by sheer weight I’m hoping that this can happen. Ethereum may not be the blockchain for this to happen, however there doesn’t seem to be any reason why not.

Overall, I’m still very intrigued about how ethereum will work in the future and as such I’ll continue to watch it very closely. The idea of a unique, personalised wallet and private keys is one I look forward to, not to mention ‘login by ethereum


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