Net worth: January 2021

Happy new year, well sort of! Unfortunately I made a loss in January for a few reasons. Primarily due to putting my investment property on the market, as well as a huge car service bill and a party I had organised. This equated to around $7500! Also, there was one week of no income due to being a contractor and not working during the week between Christmas and New Years. I guess considering all of this it was amazing that I was only down -$416 total network, however -$3,500 in pre-super net worth. Here are some details:

Current situation

  • Offset account $9,992
  • Cash $8,044
  • Investment portfolio $22,549
  • Total property equity $301,923
  • Super $321,495
  • Total net worth $664,003 trending_down $416

Points of interest

  • Car service costs $2k
  • Party costs $2k
  • House sale costs $3.5k
  • One week without a salary due to Xmas break
  • No investment purchases

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