Net worth: July 2021
This month I decided to move money around from my offset account into more investments. This meant transferring large chunks to my SelfWealth account and then purchasing ETFs as per my plan. I also purchased some more ethereum and bitcoin as this had slid quite a lot, this has already paid off with an excellent increase.
For those you are interested, with resepect to ethereum. I’m staking 50% of my overall position and keeping the other 50% liquid. This is due to the fact that if you stake using Kraken you cannot recoup that money until the full ethereum 2.0 release. Perhaps I’ll write a post on this another time. I’ve ended up in a bit of a rabbit hole with ethereum, as I love the technology, but from a FIRE perspective my main portfolio is where the heavy lifting will be. In theory, at the moment my crypto portfoilo is a little too high, so I won’t be putting any money into that for a while.
My next purchase will likely be additional VAF to get my equities vs bonds ratio at the level I would like. The below chart shows my current position excluding superannuation and property equity
Current situation
- Offset account $235,021
- Cash $6,863
- Crytocurrency $8,797
- Investment portfolio $109,241
- Emergency fund $5,616
- Total property equity $92,271
- Super $363,331
- Total net worth $821,552 $18,382
Points of interest
- Purchased A200, VAF, VEU & VTS as part of my main portfolio
- Purchased additional ethereum and some bitcoin