Net worth: March 2021

Well what a month! I sold my investment property for an absolutely amazing price which well and truly allowed me to hit my saving goals. I found time to invest in a few ETFs including rounding out my core strategy by buying VEU, and my final two satellites, ACDC and ASIA. Savings weren’t great, due to a few short work weeks, but overall a great month. Oh and I also created an AMP Savings account for my emergency fund as this has the highest interest rate that I could find and is higher than my Up Bank account. Here’s the breakdown:

Current situation

  • Offset account $305,270
  • Cash (Up Bank) $10,667
  • High Interest Savings Account (AMP) $5,651
  • Investment portfolio $33,422
  • Total property equity $86,494
  • Super $333,068
  • Total net worth $774,571 $106,127

Points of interest

  • Sold investment property
  • Purchased ETF ASX:VEU to round out my strategy of A200/VTS/VEU (50/25/25)
  • Purchased ETF ASX:ACDC and ASX:ASIA to round out my satellite investments for a while
  • Super increased by $6,870

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