Net worth: May 2021

Overall a positive month however due to a lot of holidays I didn’t receive much income this month, however part of this whole plan is to have a more meaningful life which I must say I did this month! From a financial perspective it was up and down, but still finished in the black. Put some money in ethereum, not so much as an investment but more as a learning/hobby. I’ve been doing a lot of reading about the ethereum blockchain and how it can be utilised for distributed applications, file systems, DNS and more – Whether or not ETH is the backbone blockchain or another, I still believe the technology is amazing and will underpin a lot of future transactions. Watch this space!

Current situation

  • Offset account $300,923
  • Cash $5,866
  • Crytocurrency $2,148
  • Investment portfolio $45,204
  • Total property equity $88,742
  • Super $346,884
  • Total net worth $794,784 $5,085

Points of interest

  • 3 weeks without pay
  • 2k in ETH
  • 1 big market dip
  • 1 big crypto dip

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