Net worth: November 2020

This month was mainly work work work, with Adelaide going into the world’s toughest and shortest covid lock down. My measly pre-super investments improved slightly, however my superannuation grew quite substantially (well in my opinion anyway). The main discretionary spending I did this month was early Christmas presents (I really like to get my gift buying done very early). Other than that a couple of nice meals, and part of some accommodation coming up.

Current situation

  • Offset account $15,220.14
  • Cash $7,927.54
  • Investment portfolio $10,314.23
  • Investment (Spaceship) $6,072.14
  • Total property equity $299,422.52
  • Super $314,784.16
  • Total net worth $653,740.73 $20,672.63

Points of interest

  • Paid off a small credit card balance (prior to the due date) and locked my card so it cannot be used anymore. Will likely remove it completed in the not too distant future
  • Water bill paid
  • Changed RAA roadside assist to the cheapest option to save some additional money per year
  • Stopped automatic investment into Spaceship as I’m looking to leave this as it is and perhaps remove it completely in the future
  • Spent approximately $270 on deposit for upcoming accommodation
  • Monthly expenses (Note this does not include mortgage payments):
    • Good life 17%
    • Personal 38%
    • Home 35%
    • Transport 11%


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