The spark

I think I may have started about five blogs in my life all without them lasting longer than about three posts. I’m hoping this will be different as the topic I’ve chosen is definitely for long term.

I recently purchased a small unit here in Adelaide, about 10km from the CBD on the plains which is just perfect for me, and while doing the sums I realised that I’m almost at spitting distance to becoming completely debt free and paying off my mortgage. I realised that not many people have had the opportunity to be in the position I’m in and thought it might be useful to write about it and the journey I’ve decided to go down.

I’m not a financial person, but I’d like to think I have a pretty decent handle on money and after reading through a few blogs and articles about what to do after paying off a mortgage I found FIRE! I realised that my situation might be perfect to get to where I want to be a little quicker than I thought was achievable. As a result, I’ve started up this site and will be blogging about my journey.

Current goal and status: Setting up my financial emergency fund.

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